Free resources + support
⛔ If you are at immediate risk of seizure, self harm/suicide or overdose please go to your nearest emergency department or call 000.
Acute alcohol withdrawal can be life-threatening, please seek medical supervision.
For 24/7 crisis support:
Lifeline 13 11 14
Kids Helpline 1800 551 800
Beyond Blue 1300 224 636
MensLine 1300 789 978
Alcohol, ADHD and other supports
Alcohol and drug support
National 24/7 Alcohol and Other Drugs Hotline (ADIS): 1800 250 015
Counselling Online (free drug and alcohol counselling 24/7 - online, phone and email), run by Turning Point: https://www.counsellingonline.org.au/
Navigating the AOD system can be challenging but ADF have a great tool, Path2Help which allows you to search for services Australia-wide: https://adf.org.au/help-support/aod-service-system/
AOD organisations with free resources
Daybreak app from Hello Sunday Morning (free behavioural change tool). They also have a fantastic weekly newsletter and online resources:
If you’re based in rural or remote areas, check out the awesome charity Sober in the Country. They have a Bush Tribe which is an online community specifically for country folk:
Untoxicated for alcohol-free social community and events in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne:
SMART Recovery Australia online and F2F meetings offering evidence based support to people experiencing problematic drug, alcohol, gambling or food use. Behaviour change tools and a free app.
Other recovery communities:
AA Online meetings: http://aoig.oso-aa.org/
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) online meetings: https://www.na.org.au/multi/online-meetings/
Adult Children of Alcoholics: https://www.adultchildren.org.au/
Al-Anon for family and friends: al-anon.org.au
Informal resources and communities for alcohol support
The good news is there’s a huge amount out there now, for you to dip in and out of. With loads of online communities across Facebook and Instagram, podcasts and books available for you to access whenever you feel like it.
Cuppa Community is free and off social media platforms: https://cuppa.community/
Swipe brain training free app uses neuroscience to reduce alcohol consumption: https://www.swipebraintraining.com.au/
Sober Awkward: https://soberawkward.podbean.com/
How I Quit Alcohol: https://www.iquitalcohol.com.au/pages/podcast
Huberman Lab episode on alcohol: https://podcastnotes.org/huberman-lab/episode-86-what-alcohol-does-to-your-body-brain-health-huberman-lab/
Recovery Elevator: https://www.recoveryelevator.com/podcasts/
ADHD supports & info:
ADHD Support Australia: https://www.adhdsupportaustralia.com.au/
AADPA - Australian ADHD guidelines for treatment: https://adhdguideline.aadpa.com.au/consumer-companion/
🎉 One of my favourite neurodivergent websites by AuDHD clinical psychologist Dr Megan Neff. ✨It’s a treasure trove of interesting and relevant information: https://neurodivergentinsights.com/
How to ADHD video series, You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/c/howtoadhd
🧠 ADHD Chatter podcast: https://www.instagram.com/adhd_chatter_podcast/?hl=en
ADHD foundation helpline: 1300 39 39 19
Digital Mental Health Programs:
Digital mental health (e-mental health) includes services, programs or apps, delivered via online, mobile or phone based platforms. They may be self-driven or practitioner guided and can be used alone or in combination with face-to-face therapy.
Topics include Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Eating Disorders, Grief and Loss, Physical Health and Disability, Relationships, Stress/Wellbeing, Substance Use & Addictive Behaviours, Suicide Prevention and Trauma.
Comprehensive list of resources here: eMHPrac e-Mental Health in Practice
Mental Health Online Assessment Tool: Online Clinic
Created by leading clinicians and based on research, the free Online Clinic takes you through a range of clinical assessments for common mental health conditions. At the end you will receive a personalised report with suggested support services and free or low-cost resources for you to access. This anonymous report can be downloaded, printed or emailed to share with your family or doctor.