What is a year of your life worth?

A bit shocking to see our lives in this way isn't it? We don't like to think of our own mortality. 

But I find it's quite a useful tool to get myself back on track if I start veering into things that are out of alignment with who I want to be and how I want to spend my precious time. 

Are using your precious years (that's one year per block) in the way that you want ....


-In your work?

-In your relationships?

-In your purpose?

-In your family?

-In how much fun or enjoyment you have in your life?

Get honest with yourself ... what proportion of your time spent doing:

  • things you don't enjoy/actively dislike?

  • things that make life meaningful to you?

  • things that are not serving you and stopping you from showing up how you want to in your own life? 

Make it count! No, that doesn't mean hustling and grinding yourself into the ground to achieve 'success' and accumulate stuff and a career that impresses everyone else and leaves us miserable. It doesn't mean pretending to be someone you're not.

Instead, it means recognising that most of us have at least some power to shape our lives in a way that matters to us.

So many of us get caught up in the shoulds and what other people think, caught up in all these weeds of expectations. (I am certainly not immune to this btw). The perfection game - one which will we'll never win.

Then we drink to tolerate the intolerable. Lives that are not our own. Lives that are lived for the approval of others. 

We drink to tolerate this disconnect between who we really are and why we're not being that person, stuck in jobs we hate, hanging out with people we really don't like that much, and maybe even in unhappy relationships. 

You have the power to move away from the cage of the 'way it should be' that society dictates, and instead in the direction of what you actually want into your life.

That's true success. To free yourself from these shackles and reject the parts of the status quo - whether that's being the perfect parent, the 24/7 hustle, accumulating 'stuff' to impress others - that just do not work for you.

If COVID taught us anything it's that life rarely goes to plan and it brought into focus what is truly important in our lives, so let's hold on to those lessons and not squander them.

If you're reading this and you feel your relationship with alcohol is stopping you from being the person you want to be - and know that you can be - stop wasting those precious blocks!

Follow me on insta or FB.

To find out more about Grey Area Drinking coaching: https://www.fayelawrence.com.au/coaching


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Are you letting other people’s opinions hold you back?